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» Message for windows users!
Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15 2009, 23:48 by Battlespud1

» S.P.A.M!!!!!!!
Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15 2009, 14:26 by Wolfie

» Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre.
Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 21 2008, 08:33 by Battlespud1

» If you like Ogame, try out Cybernation
Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 15 2008, 18:03 by Spectre

» funny jokes
Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 15 2008, 04:52 by Battlespud1

» Model Competition
Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29 2008, 21:06 by Wolfie

» Galaga 2.0
Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 10 2008, 22:54 by Wolfie

» Freelancer Community Network added
Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 03 2008, 18:16 by Wolfie

» hi :O
Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Icon_minitimeThu Oct 23 2008, 21:51 by Wolfie

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 Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre.

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3 posters
Marines - Master Chief
Marines - Master Chief

Number of posts : 147
Age : 35
ESF Rank : Commander
=ESF= Department : Marines
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Empty
PostSubject: Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre.   Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 24 2008, 04:51

Hey guys,

I am planning on starting an =ESF= branch for Battlefield 2142.

It'll probably be renamed something like Elite Special Forces, Elite Strike Force, or Extremely Sucicidal Frakers...

Anyway if any of you guys plays this awsome game, just post your soldier name, rank, and class/specialty/preferance below.

You can also PM me here, if enough people say 4-5 join up and can play, then I'll see what I can do to start up a branch.

You never know, we might even be able to convince some BF'ers to try out FL.

BF 2142 soldier name: SKsniper128.
Battlespud: freelancer212


Note: even if we don't have enough people we could still play together, right?
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Number of posts : 143
ESF Rank : Commander
=ESF= Department : Command
Registration date : 2008-07-09

Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre.   Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 20 2008, 20:42

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Admiralty - Captain
Admiralty - Captain

Number of posts : 9
Age : 61
ESF Rank : Captain
Registration date : 2008-12-10

Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre.   Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 21 2008, 07:04

cool. I'm a big fan of the Battlefield's. I'll look in to getting the new one.
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Number of posts : 143
ESF Rank : Commander
=ESF= Department : Command
Registration date : 2008-07-09

Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre.   Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 21 2008, 08:33

its awesome.
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Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre.   Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre. Icon_minitime

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Attention! Announcement from Commander Spectre.
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